RESEARCHPapers currently under review are marked with an asterisk*
Please email me if you're interested in reading a draft. dpayton[at]virginia[dot]edu Vertical Divider
System Caging (In Progress). This is a paper about the material nature and harms of systemic marginalization.* PHILOSOPHY OF SEXUALITYPUBLISHED WORK
Scenes as Games: Agency, Autonomy, and Value in BDSM (forthcoming in Hypatia). This is a paper about the metaphysics & ethics of BDSM scenes, analyzed as games. PhilPapers | PDF WORKS-IN-PROGRESS Sexual Compromises (In Progress). This is a paper about the ethics of sexual compromises.* Sex and Class (In Progress). This is a paper about how class-centered aesthetic judgments can inform & distort our views about sexual ethics. Abstract PUBLIC PHILOSOPHYWhy We Shouldn't Compare Transracial to Transgender Identity [with Robin Dembroff] (Nov. 2020, Boston Review).
Unlike gender inequality, racial inequality primarily accumulates across generations. Transracial identification undermines collective reckoning with that injustice. Published Version |